Celvita 15 grams x 7 sachets.


Categories : Health & Supplement


#Celvita is a dietary supplement that nourishes the body at the chromosomal level.
Telolab is a unique innovation in the world, an extract derived from Nobel Prize-winning research that helps increase telomere length, a biological age indicator at the cellular level. The longer the telomeres, the younger the cells.

✅#Increase telomere length, the root cause of cellular aging.
✅#Reverse aging by stimulating the function of Sirtuins genes, which slow down aging.
✅#Nourish the brain and improve memory.
✅#Radiant skin that looks younger than your age.
✅#Lower blood pressure, reduce fat and sugar in the blood.
✅#The technology increases the production and stemcell of skin cells, protects them from stress, and adds vitality.
✅#Recover faster from illness and injury.
✅#Boost collagen production and increase skin elasticity, moisture, and smoothness.
✅#Stimulate the activity of telomerase enzymes at the chromosomal level.

[Knowledge Nugget] What is the relationship between telomeres and aging?

In addition to the age that we count based on our birth year, we also have a biological age or "biological clock" that indicates the aging process within our bodies. This is reflected in the shortening of telomeres, the end caps of chromosomes, which protect them from damage or premature degradation. Normally, telomeres shorten over time as cells divide for growth or to repair various parts of the body.

Since birth, a newborn's telomeres are at their longest and gradually shorten with age. Telomeres can be compared to the aglets or plastic tips on shoelaces. If these tips become damaged, eventually the shoelace will fray and wear down until it is no longer functional. Similarly, research has shown that telomeres that shorten more quickly than one's chronological age are associated with chronic diseases and cellular aging. These include diseases such as stroke, heart disease, as well as chronic inflammation, which is a major cause of cancer in different parts of the body. If telomeres shorten too rapidly compared to our age, the cells that control the functioning of different organs in our body will begin to regress and deteriorate over time.

In summary, telomeres play a significant role in the aging process within our bodies, and can serve as a biomarker of one's biological age and overall health.

How to
Take one sachet (15 grams) per day, dissolve in 150 milliliters of water
, use a spoon to stir or shake until dissolved.

Safety Warning
Children and pregnant women should not eat.

15 grams x 7 sachets.
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