

Categories : Personal Care


New innovation helps nourish and restore the hair to be soft and flowing naturally.  like you've never felt before

Hair conditioner mixed with concentrated herbs, safe from silicone that 
is the cause of hair loss contains ingredients
Butterfly pea: used to nourish hair to make it shiny and black and treat .
hair loss or thinning hair I'm stronger
Kaffir Lime: Helps to get rid of dandruff, relieve itchy scalp, fix split ends, 
prevent hair loss.slow gray hair
Specially invented massage cream to "increase the strength of the hair in particular"
  Reduce the lack of hair loss.  The only one that combines the value of "Herbs"
  with important nutrients for hair and cystine, an amino acid essential for hair
  with small nanoparticles Caught together with particles of platinum will act
  bring these nutrients to penetrate deeply to restore open hair follicles or damaged hair
  and coat the outer hair Hyaluron will help block the water loss of the hair.
  The function of hyaluron is like a net that carries water around the hair.
  Helps to enhance the keratin and cystine to work better.  Helps retain moisture
  Protects hair from dryness, heat and pollution that damage hair.
  therefore giving the result of soft and smooth hair It looks shiny, smooth, beautiful and more strong.
  Looks lively and flowing.  Makes it easy to style, weighty, not pointy.

How to use
Use hair conditioner every
time after using shampoo.
Apply from the middle of hair
through the end. Leave it for
1-2 minutes before rinsing.


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