
Thick hair in 4 months

Categories : Health & Supplement


Dietary Supplement Product for hair. It's been compiled through an impressive experience by the brand's owner. He has suffered from hair loss and a bald head before. So he tried the product for himself and got great results. After that, the product started selling and received good feedback from customers. In addition, it is recognized as a product of good quality. That was invented especially for men with extreme hair loss, Although hair loss from congenital and also works well for other reasons of hair loss such as Strain, Illness, Hair loss from Chemicals. Because selected special extracts help solve hair problems, making hair strong and healthy from the inside to the outside.

How To use
Take 1 capsule daily.

Safety Warning
● Children and pregnant women should not consume
● Should eat a variety of food for 5 food groups in the appropriate proportions regularly.
● Has a damp proof bag
● There is no preventive or therapeutic effect.

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