MANA Pro Collagen


Boost the brighter skin at the cellular


MANA Pro Collagen 1 Free Gluta stick 2

Categories : Health & Supplement


•Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and helps support structure to your skin, hair and nails. 
As you get older, your body's ability to produce collagen will decrease , leading to visible signs of aging.
•Pro Collagen is designed to help counteract age-related collagen loss by using  CellEnhanz technology
,the technology that bring the collagen deep at the cellular, increasing absorbtion and accelerating
the efficiency of collgen to maximum at level 3-5 times.  Plus dipeptide collagen which has smallest molecule 
•MANA Pro Collagen is developed by doctors who get the world class gold medal award in Switzerland
And MANA are only the one who hold a copyright
Come in the form of Collagen stick (Jelly) which is convenient, easy and yummy in the flavor of yogurt milk
Why Pro Collagen?
1. Boost your skin at cellular level, bright skin and anti aging
2. Strong nails and hair
3. Stronger bones by increasing Hyaluronic acid, for the better moves, and bones mass to prevent the Osteoarthritis
4. Improve immune system, stimulate the macrophages for the digestive immune system
5. Improves intestinal balance by increasing lactobacillus for improve  excretory system
Promotion! Buy  1 Get Free 2 boxes of Gluta Stick

How to use
1-2 Sachets daily in the morning and before bedtime on empty stomach

Safety Warning
Children and pregnant women should not eat
No effect for prevention or cure diseases

14 Sachets / box of Pro Collagen

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